
Powerful, Cost Effective, Affordable

JCF Magazine is the smartest place you can put your advertising dollars in 2022. We are an all digital publication with a big reach; every single subscriber company directly involved in Jet Cabin Interiors. Comprised of the top Design Studios in the world and literally every completion center globally, every one is a potential customer. We simply do not stray from those borders. It's where we live! We're about one thing and one thing only. . . bringing your products and services to the companies and individuals that specify and purchase - period.
As a 26 year veteran interior cabin designer himself, our publisher not only knows the business from the inside, but thankfully recognized the need for a single smartly designed publication where every Cabin Supplier Group in the world is bringing their best and their freshest - to the very people who utilize it daily.
Ok, but like why digital dude?
Well let me start by saying, I love getting my new, freshly printed issue of Aircraft Interiors International - and others to my desk. I like unsleeving them, I like the smell of the paper and ink. I like . . .well that's about where it stops. Print Magazines are cool but they're expensive to print, expensive to distribute...and expensive to ADVERTISE in! Especially with any kind of frequency, which is where the true value in paid advertising lies. The fact is, for most smaller companies, it's simply prohibitive.
FRESHBOOK Magazine is an all digital publication and we're proud of it. Why, because we do things print magazine can't and never will be able to. Like having your ads link to your site, or to a specific page, or a video, or on and on. Like displaying video right on the page if you like - and like having your ad display without ever turning a page or linking to be seen. And all of it comes at a fraction of print publication advertising rates. For the first time in our industry segment, advertising is affordable to almost any company out there. Whether your goal is to simply elevate your brand awareness or aggressively expand your customer base by showing off new innovations or updated product lines - there is now an extremely cost-effective vehicle to put it all front and center to the people and companies that absolutely want to know about it!
Are we trying to sell you something? Of course we are. It's how we sustain our publication like all companies. But are we bringing something of real substantive value - and filling a niche that's long needed filling? Well, look around...I think you'll agree the answer is yes.
Rick Roseman - publisher / co-founder