
Issue 5 November 2022

This issue catch Ms. Natalie Rodriguez and the Natalie Rodrigues Design Studio - a Texas based success story in mobility design
Jetology BD700. Bombardier Global 7500 at Linz

As circulation director at JetCabin Freshbook Magazine, I couldn't be prouder to announce the first of several key circulation expansions into other key regions around the world. As of today, our magazine will be distributed from Mumbai to Dubai and all key business locales in between and across Asia.. Over the years AeroChamp's team has forged a strong relationship with OEMs, distributors, and independent repair centers to offer hard-to-find parts and deliver maintenance cost optimization to customers in more than 30 countries. Interacting with their team members, immediately makes you aware of their deep understanding of the industry and in particular, the specific needs of business aviation customers.
As a key aviation services brand in both regions, some may already be familiar with AeroChamp and if you're not, this is a great opportunity to get to know them and their Founder / CEO, Dr. Praveen Srivastava. AeroChamp has enjoyed a burgeoning reputation in these two important markets over the last decade and is rapidly becoming a key service provider in both regions. Our partnership is a good marriage, offering expanded distribution for JCF and an opportunity for AeroChamp to grow their own brand recognition in the Americas and Europe, where the bulk of our current subscribers are based. We invite you to learn more about Dr. Praveen Srivastava and AeroChamp here: https://www.aerochamp.net/
See the expanded full feature article in this issue.
- Dean Malcolm / Circulation Director
We Just Expanded Our Circulation, Now Covering a Wide Interior's Audience Across India, The Middle East & The Asia Pacific

1 Minimalism - Dominating the Stage in Aviation Interiors
7 YASAVA - A Seating Group that Got the Memo.
11 Sky Cinema - Airborne DOLBY Atmos (Republished by popular demand)
Issue 4 September 2022
JetCabin Freshbook 2022 . all rights reserved
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RWR Designs GP LLC - Texas U.S.A.
Rick W. Roseman
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YASAVA Seating Group - a look at the future

Words from the Editor
Remember, Remember. . . the Fifth of November!. The infamous beginnings of a nursery rhyme about the equally infamous Gunpowder Plot on 5 November in 1605 when Guy Fawkes and his co-conspirators attempted and failed to blow up the Houses of Parliament. Every year on the 5th of Nov is Guy Fawkes Night, or Bonfire (one in the same).
But despite the fairy tale, make no mistake, Fawkes was a real figure. He fought for Catholic Spain in the Eighty Years' War against Protestant Dutch reformers in the Low Countries. He travelled to Spain to seek support for a Catholic rebellion in England without success. He later met Thomas Wintour, with whom he returned to England. Wintour introduced him to Robert Catesby, who planned to assassinate King James and restore a Catholic monarch to the throne. It sounded like a reasonable idea to Fawkes, so together the plotters leased an undercroft beneath the House of Lords. Fawkes was summarily placed in charge of their gunpowder stockpiles. The authorities were tipped by an anonymous letter to search Westminster Palace during the early hours of 5 November, where they eventually found Fawkes guarding the explosives. He was questioned and tortured over the next few days and confessed to wanting to blow up the House of Lords.
But here's the rub. Immediately before his execution on 31 January, Fawkes fell from the scaffold where he was to be hanged and broke his neck, thus avoiding the agony of being hanged, drawn and quartered. His rebellious leanings and fateful demise brought him fame both as a nursery rhyme and an annual fiery reenactment. Every 5 November since 1605, his effigy is burned on a bonfire, commonly accompanied by fireworks.
What does all this have to do with aviation interiors? Nothing of course, but it's a reminder to us all (on this year in particular) how quickly our actions, both as individuals and governments can spiral consequences that threaten peace and prosperity. Do we really need another 5th of November, or D-Day, or February 24th, or January 6th to remember? Do we need to litter our calendars with yet more dates that remind us of yet more violent uprising or war?
A decade or so ago, visiting friends in the UK, I took part in Bonfire - hordes encircling the giant inferno, laughter and glasses of beer, watching embers spiral up in the blackness. Not once did I think of Fawkes or his conspirators - only that my daughters and my friends stood next to me, and that, unlike scores of others scattered around the world, we would sleep without fear of rockets, or bombs or tyranny.
Richard Roseman - Co-founder / Editor
We’re Changing the Way you think about Aviation Magazines
No flip viewers...no thumbing pages, no zooming to read text or adjusting scale to see images. Just smooth scrollable content, smartly written feature articles, full-width ads from the top companies in the world. Plus exciting departments that bring the FRESHEST in new rollouts and present the latest trends. Plus you'll always find glimpses of the near-term future of cabin design and products. And best of all, it's all interactive with video, live links and instant access to the people and extended content you're interested in.

The Prevailing Winds in Aviation Interiors
R H O n e - Gulfstream G-650. A Study in Minimalism
Op-Ed by: Rick Roseman
Originally my title was to stand as 'Minimalism' alone. And why not, it's minimal, right? But to be fair, I need to at least throw Minimalism’s less extreme sister, Modernism in there as well. The substance of this article encompasses both and defines an era of aviation design that has largely (and thankfully) left ultra-traditional and baroque interiors in the forgettable past. Ok, ok, calm down. There’s still room for the occasional main ‘salon’ with dark mahogany walls, gold filigree details and a globe in the corner. But seriously, Mr. Watson . . . do ya really need that in your new BBJ Max??
To reduce Minimalism and Modernism to a single denominator, we’re talking about clean lines, environs that are, by design, simple and devoid of superfluous detail. There is an adage in the design world (and no, I didn’t think it up), that goes like this . . .“Clean lines . . .Clean Mind.”
It's an axiom that is driving most of today's jet interiors. And there are good reasons they have contributed to its evolution - and why it's likely to hang around for the foreseeable future.

Now to put the words in perspective a little, my own studio and my home, are quite modern – not minimalist mind you – but certainly modern. Does it mean my wife and I live some kind of Zen-like existence where our oh-so-modern interior living spaces magically deflect stress and anxiety into the ether? Ahhh…no! But in less literal terms, both the words and the disciplines of the axiom, have plenty of substance. The inarguable truth is, we live in an increasingly cluttered, noisy, busy, and at times, intolerably chaotic world. And in the same way 10 milligrams of Ambien can help your stop thinking about the embarrassing store-bought sheet cake you took to your best friend’s birthday, and go to sleep! - a beautifully simple, well-lit interior space can in fact, quiet the mind and deliver a haven (temporary as it may be) from the chaos on the other side of the door.
And that speaks to almost any interior, be it residential, institutional or otherwise. But if we now start thinking about the passenger cabin of an aircraft (and there’s a reason they call it a cabin), the application of minimal and modern design themes take on a whole new level of importance. Bizjet, narrow-body or even house size wide-bodies; all of them are glorified aluminum tubes, with small windows and no outdoor spaces. They are the cushy part of a highly functional marvel of technology – but as a necessary product of that function, they are vessels, constrained by the unique function of an airframe. Therefore, how we approach the design of an aircraft cabin, should rightfully meet with certain considerations.
The coefficient works something like this: The smaller, more confined the environment, the less tolerance we have, as humans, to deal with clutter and busyness. It’s not that we can’t mind you, but given the option (and certainly spending 30-100 million on your own private jet, they are your options to take), most owners these days are saying NO to busy and YES to minimal, at altitude.
In one respect you might say the ability to board your own jet, climb above the clouds and sit in a sumptuous leather chair 50,000 feet above the earth, is its own form of Zen! And who am I to argue that!? But at the current point in the evolution of jet design, the notion is…why stop there? I mean if we’re really trying to leave the stress and chaos down there, then why not go the full Zen distance and create an interior that completes the experience; one that frees not only your physicality from the surly bounds of earth – but your mind, and those of your guests?
Sophistication is a word that is thrown around way too much – but where good design is concerned, there’s a very real place for it. In my opinion, it’s that point where, via design alone, the human experience has been elevated; brought to a slightly higher level. And it’s here that both minimalism and modernism are leading a powerful wave in aviation interiors – and one that’s likely here to stay.

Kestrel Aviation Management - B-787 Main Cabin
" Simplicity, clarity, singleness: These are the attributes that give our lives power and vividness and joy as they are also the marks of great art and design."
—Richard Holloway
But the philosophy behind the movement is more germane to our conversation. Here’s a few words one writer used in describing minimalism: “Form, function, and focus is the prayer and anthem for a simple design. The visuals stay focused and uncluttered.” Many designers today aspire to designs that respect and embody these principals because by resisting the temptation of clutter and superfluous detail and focusing only on form and function – you wind up with something truly beautiful in a way that’s hard to describe; an aesthetic that truly calms the mind and invites the human psyche to take a breath.
The basic principles of minimalism and jet aircraft are compatible. There’s certainly nothing superfluous or fussy about the exterior of an aircraft, right? The design is completely and totally bound by function - serving one end only; flight. Everything about a modern jet’s exterior form is utilitarian because it travels through the air – yet it is beautiful to look at; sleek, simple, elegant.
An aircraft’s interior, however, is not dictated be aerodynamic form. It can be anything the owner or designer wish it to be. Design trends can move freely back and forth between styles of the day. But will they? Nobody ever knows what the future will bring, but as I’ve discussed here, there are very real and tangible reasons why these two simplistic styles of design have overtaken more traditional themes in the earlier days of private aviation. In simple terms, simplicity rules. It is uniquely compatible and desirable within the passenger cabin of an aircraft.
Aviation designers have long taken ques from their high-end automotive design counterparts. And we only need to look at the cars we drive to see why. Today’s upper market car interiors are in many cases, works of art; simplistic forms and clean elegant, ergonomic design that beckon the senses. This same minimalist blending of form and function is the prevailing direction in today’s top-end aviation interiors as well; and It’s not likely that will ever go in the other direction. Cars, jets, yachts. They’re all extremely complex machines with thousands of moving parts, electronics and sophisticated engineering.

But as humans, when we slip into them, we neither want to see the moving parts or the clutter and complexities of our daily lives.
Less is more. . . simple soothes.

From where did the wave start? Well, it’s sort of the chicken or egg thing. Was it driven by a yearning in owners, or the design community? Undoubtedly, it’s a bit of both, but knowing what we all know about how design influence everything from fashion to sippy cups, its biggest thrust likely came from the design world, where most trends start. But I also want to be careful using the term “trend” because I am boldly predicting here and now that this is more than a trend; a place that will dominate interior architectural style from now on, at least in aircraft. Will it render other more traditional styles obsolete? No, certainly not. As every designer knows, the design brief trumps everything. When the paying customer says he or she wants a baroque interior…then that’s precisely what we give them. BUT as long as the world remains a crazy-ass chaotic place to live, most people of means will continue to err on the side of modern, simple interior designs for their personal aircraft. It’s a sensory need, the antithesis of all the busyness and turmoil of life. Order and simplicity quiet the mind. Granted, It is bit of manufactured escapism to be sure. I mean eight hours at 51,000 feet in a beautifully simple modern interior is not going to solve your problems back on the ground. But like hot tea on a cold night, it soothes us.
" Simplicity, clarity, singleness: These are the attributes that give our lives power and vividness and joy as they are also the marks of great art and design."
—Richard Holloway
As a Western design movement, minimalism began early in the 20th century. Influenced by the introduction of modern materials, such as glass and steel, many architects began to employ minimalist designs in their buildings. Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe, the German-American architect, was one of the innovators of the minimalist movement. He is the one credited with first applying the phrase "less is more" to architectural design. The less-is-more attitude quickly moved from architecture to other arts and industries: interior and industrial design, painting - even music.

BBJ Max Concept by: Cheryl Pelly Design

"The top DESIGN studios around the world are absolutely the ones that inform the industry and set the new trends."
Jetzign is where we highlight the very latest from the top designers and studios. Whether it be the iconic independents or the great design departments within the world's top completion centers, this is where you will find their latest works - and always with an emphasis on the near-term future of cabin design.
SkyYacht ONE / courtesy: Sotto Studios

An innovative company that is forging a new wave in aviation seats that respects the human vertebrae.
As one of its registered trademarks, The Swiss based company YASAVA touts the handle: Flight Couture. And it's appropriate. Their provocative line of aircraft seats not only evoke high style but lend new meaning to the term runway. They and a few other bold companies like them, are literally redirecting the long worn out paradigms of aircraft seats. And it's high-time!

In their own words, the narrative goes something like this:
Life is defined by how time is used. Your space must enable you to achieve your highest ambitions, essentially becoming a positive extension of your being.
Yasava’s solutions for interior aircraft design are driven by these simple notions. By using cutting edge engineering, advanced ergonomics and socio-cultural parameters, they create interior spaces that not only represents the end user, but becomes their haven suspended in time between heaven and earth.
Excellence and innovation, combined with traditional Swiss attention to detail, is what distinguishes YASAVA. Their solutions shift the paradigm, creating the extra-ordinary, reflecting the uniqueness of each client’s DNA. Yasava’s commitment is to value and respect the customer’s needs and the requirement that while the aircraft is their ultimate time machine, they should be suspended in timeless wellbeing while in flight, enabling them and their guests to be the ultimate realization of themselves.
Yasava’s edict is that an aircraft does not simply accommodate you, you wear it. They’re commitment is to create the flight experience around the specific customer.
YASAVA’s CEO, Christopher Mbanefo puts it in even more eloquent terms:
“As 21st century humans, we cannot continue flying using outdated design principles. The dynamics of culture and society must be reflected in our design solutions, resulting in a quantum step forward in life quality, while simultaneously respecting the planetary needs for balance. Only those with this awareness, combined with adequate sensitivity, are able to offer game-changing solutions."
Thus, their daily efforts and commitment in this regard has resulted in the ASTRAL® Design Series, which is the most innovative corporate aircraft interior design program to date. It truly reflects YASAVA’s belief that human quality of life should always come first.
Mr. Mbanefo continues in the philosophical realm by pointing that “Harmony, Lightness and Authenticity is the ancient wisdom of wellbeing.
“Design solutions originate from within”, he says. “by seeking a balance between the individual and the space. The space so defined, creates harmony, supporting the authenticity of the individual and results in lightness of the mind, soul and body. Our objective is to realize these principles, by creating the ultimate space for our customers to achieve the most luxurious and timeless flight experience in their aircraft.
His own question to customers is: “Does your aircraft adapt to you…or is it the reverse. Do you adapt to your aircraft?”
“The YASAVA Creative Center sits on the edge of Lake Geneva, allowing us to live and breath according to the ancient wisdom.”
YASAVA’s signature product is dubbed ASTRAL®. According to Mr. Mbanefo, the Astral series is the epitome of functional efficiency, luxury and aesthetics. Each solution is a unique reflection of the user and/or owner. It is adaptable to the top-of-the-range corporate jets, optimized for ultra-long-range travel.
“No longer is there a limitation of choice, based on what an aircraft manufacturer offers. Once you’ve decided on your specific ASTRAL® Design, we will realize your vision in the aircraft of your choice. Choose between a Gulfstream G600/700 series, a Dassault Falcon 7/8X, or a Bombardier Global 5000/6000/7000 series and leave the rest to us. Larger aircraft such as Boeing BBJs and Airbus ACJs can also be fitted with a large range of ASTRAL® Design features. Simply put, it all depends on what you want.”
Superior comfort in a lay-flat seat.
Body comfort is determined by the proximity of the center of body mass to the spinal cord. Hence, a good body support system must allow for changes in body positions. These in essence are the drawbacks of a conventional lie-flat seat design that the AÏANA® WAVE corrects.

The AÏANA® WAVE full lay-back seat
It also features a mattress design of superior thickness, optimized for the body mass pressure map.
Multiple body positions furthermore allow for better circulation, improved breathing and a reduction of the dangers of DVT (deep vein thrombosis).
According to YASAVA, the AÏANA® Wave is a Masterpiece of form and function. Inspired by nature’s simplicity and using gravity, YASAVA appears to have achieved a lightness and efficiency of movement second to none. The signature feature of the chair’s organic back structure is not only an aesthetic element but is driven by functional purpose. Proportioned dimensions coupled with fine-tuned functionality results in a zen-like visual and physical balance. The intuitive transition, says YASAVA, through infinite positions is what ultimately leads to a peace of mind, regardless the duration of flight.
The ultimate assessment relies on the end-customer of course, but even in its visual appearance, it is certainly a mark of distinction within the current landscape of seating options

YASAVA's AÏZEN program introduces a novel business model offering a unique door-to-door global transportation solution, resulting in a 3-4 hr time advantage, compared to regular intercontinental airline travel. With a 80-90% cost reduction compared to current corporate jet programs, complemented with increased safety/security, exclusive luxury and superior personal comfort, AÏZEN represents the best value for money proposition available in the market today!
Remember when watching a movie on your aircraft was a VHS tape that you pushed into a mechanical player, then listened on a version of basically the same stereo system installed in your car? Yet in those days you still paid good money to go see the latest film in Dolby Surround at the local theater.
Let your designs take flight. Opening Q1 on the Spirit of St. Louis airport.

Republished from our May issue by popular demand
A little known company in the US is making big sound at 40,000 feet. Turns out kickass audio isn't necessarily the crazy expensive, crazy complex endeavor it has often been in the past. If what some of their recent clients are saying is right, SkyCinema® is onto something...
...and it's phat!

Learn how SkyCinema®Aviation combines their extensive expertise of aircraft and their operating environments, with a comprehensive knowledge of the entertainment industry’s established quality benchmarks.

Article by: Richard Roseman

Almost every CMS company on the planet has involved themselves in the design and arrangement of resistive buttons and capacitive screens for the control
interface of their systems.
But from the passenger's perspective, there's either cumbersome or cool. One UK company is in the sole business of
Almost every Cabin Management Systems (CMS) company on the planet has involved themselves in the design and manufacture of resistive buttons and capacitive screens for the controlled interface of their systems. But in too many cases, these components are deficient in terms of ergonomic design, intuitive interface or aesthetics that seamlessly blend with the cabin’s design. It’s not to say their systems are deficient in any way. Most of the top IFE/CMS providers have been in the game for a long time and have advanced systems are well in step with current technologies.
Nonetheless, it is the passenger interface that is key to everything. You can have the best system in the industry in terms of distributing content, controlling the passenger’s environment and everything else a good CMS system is intended to do – BUT if the passenger (specifically, the owner and his guests) find it even slightly cumbersome or non-intuitive to operate – then from their perspective at least, the system has failed, or at the very least, forms a negative perception in the mind of those passengers and therefore that customer. No systems provider can afford that of course, and neither can the designer or completion center that recommended it to the customer.
The other factor that exacerbates this phenomenon, is that the systems themselves – both the functionalities and the technologies that support them, are changing all the time. As new and wider cabin functions are developed and brought online, the interfaces must be redesigned as well. To catch a glimpse of this, all one has to do is look back a few years and remember the cumbersome and let’s face it, pitifully ugly, swing arm monitors that deployed from side-ledges.
To this day when I see pictures of otherwise beautifully designed cabins with these hideous appendages, I cringe. They’re like hairstyles from the eighties or bad special effects from 60s sci-fi movies. Yikes!
But to at least one company in the UK, passenger interface is all they do. They are not designers are manufacturers of IFE or Cabin Management Systems – yet their interfaces are capable of controlling all of it as well as almost anything else in the cabin, for both passenger and crew. And there is great value in that very focused specialization.
Paradoxically the company’s proper name is itself a bit cumbersome , one Wessex Advanced Switching Products Ltd. It conjures an obscure WWll plant making high-voltage busses for artillery manufacturers. But thankfully, their branding folks whacked it down to size, leaving a quite simple and kinda cool acronym; WASP.
But now that we’ve poked a little fun and drawn a few distinctions, let’s get into WASP is known for and why their customer roster is a who’s who of air carriers, OEMs and Designers around the world. To start with, let’s cover the basics. WASP covers everything
from membrane-based Passenger Control Units or Seat Control Units (PCUs / SCUs) right through to highly sophisticated LCD based, menu driven, touchscreen based Suite Control Systems. Their aviation product range also includes an innovative landscape of LED based lighting products. WASP also offers a full Qualification and Certification service and is AS9100D accredited. Some of their biggest successes include:

Touch Systems
WASP are the UK's only designers and manufacturers of resistive and capacitive screens. Within their custom designed production unit, they have a very experienced team of engineers who will design and manufacture touchscreens to your specific requirements. They can assist with all aspects of the design and installation of the screen. Using touchscreen controls with fully programmable color LCDs and multi-layer menu driven graphics, WASP also offer capacitive touch screens which are designed to look, feel and act like today's smartphone controls.
The tactile symmetry between onboard CMS touchscreens and our everyday cell phones may well be prevalent across the industry – but WASP has made it a paramount edict and have continually refined its interfaces in a way that make it seamless and ultra-familiar to passengers.
Their Membrane Systems utilize traditional cost-effective screen printed graphic overlays as a base for passenger control units.
WASP Lighting uses the latest illumination technologies available, creating exactly the right ambience for stress free travel and includes mood lights, wash lights, reading lights, seat and suite indicators and customized lighting products for customer specific applications. And it’s here where we believe WASP also keenly integrates aesthetics along with functionality. Lighting (be it an illuminated touch-panel, read lights, ambient light or even decorative lamps) all contribute to the flight experience. Get it wrong and even the slightest miscalculations or lack of customer trials can come back to haunt you. Get it right and it’s remembered in the form of an elevated flight experience. WASP excels here as well, and as we all know, positive reactions always find their way back to you!
Keypad Systems. Using superior design features and manufacturing technologies, this range of WASP products uses machined metal and molded plastic keypad systems that can be customized to meet any designer’s concept – in order to seamlessly integrate with the cabin architecture. Keypads and control suites should never stack out or otherwise detract from a sideledge or chair’s design. They should blend in a way that makes it seem that both were born via the same egg. Form and function, neither fighting for the spotlight.
A full range of Finishes: from gold plate, to Nickel, to Mixed Alloys or anodized aluminum, including brushed metal or high gloss mirror finishes are just a few of the options available to WASP’s customers.

Get it wrong and even the slightest miscalculations or lack of customer trials can come back to haunt you. Get it right and it’s remembered in the form of an memorable flight experience.

Boomerang Commercial Transport - Joint collaboration: KLM / Airbus
T he business of predicting future high-end air travel between say, 2025 and 2050, actually began some years ago. So in this issue, we look back on the concepts of some of the top OEMs, Designers & Aeronautical Pontificators. Not all will get off the ground, at least in their conceptual form, but one thing's for sure . . . in order to take flight, be it interior or airframe, one first needs to flex their imagination.

Special Contributor: Melissa Tokoryama
Let's start with supersonic air travel, because, let's face it, it's moved a little beyond the concept stages at this point. The current iterations do unfortunately lose some of their unboxing luster to the fact that, well...it's kinda already been don. it debuted back in 1976, only to disappear from service less than three decades later. But there were very good reasons why the Concorde, regardless her beauty and marvel, was doomed from the get-go. Ultimately, the advent of more fuel efficient commercial jets relegated it to the history books; its economics simply no longer viable. This time around however, it'll likely be here to stay and will rise not only as a commercial platform, but as a private offering as well. Boom Aerospace, the Colorado based company we've all been hearing about since 2016, will bring the past into the future using not only advanced materials and aeronautic design, but sustainable, fuel efficient, long-term economics. Their initial offering, dubbed “Overture” will jet you from New York to London in 3 hours, 30 minutes. Tokyo to Seattle in 4:30 and whatever other city pairs your heart fancies in barely the span of an afternoon spa regimine. And it will do it all, up above the weather at the edge of the stratosphere traveling at mach 1:7. The platform is also projecting net-zero carbon by launch-date. Although not yet solidified, Overture’s interior will be a sumptuous platform for observing the curvature of the earth at altitude, through oversized oval windows and with unprecedented stillness through the air at an altitude just shy of 9 miles. Boom already has a backlog of orders from major carriers and Overture’s maiden flight is currently projected for 2026.

Copyright © 2022 Boom Supersonic.
At 60,000 ft., the earth's curvature is apparent. Sorry flat-earthers. No disc and no icy wall. Boom's large oval window's will afford spectacular views of both heaven and earth. And sitting well above the weather, you'll scarcely feel a ripple.
Two other major players in the supersonic race are Palo Alto based Aerion Supersonic (the AS2) and Lockheed -Martin with their entry, the X-59 QueSST. Lockheed Martin however is not technically a competing aircraft at this point - but rather is quietly working in the background on supersonic jet technology for passenger air travel,. This is being done in partnership with NASA. and, at this point at least, the program is meant to develop technology in support of future supersonic airframe builders.

Conceptual render - courtesy United Airlines

Boeing's SkyView Panoramic Window, measuring approximately 4.5 feet by 1.5 foot (1.4 x 0.5 m), is created by effectively joining three existing 737 windows together. Situated aft of the wing with multiple potential locations based on the 737 airframe, it offers customers an unparalleled perspective of the world.
In this artist's concept, it evokes the possibility of a private office desk facing directly in view of the owner or his/her guests while in flight.
The window was originally offered through GKN Aerospace’s Fokker business as a retrofit on existing BBJs, and through Boeing Business Jets as a priced feature. It was initially slated for offer on BBJ MAX airplanes starting in 2018.
Chase Lounge Vista. In this adaptation (right), the design studio of Richard Roseman Airborne Design envisions a slightly whimsical variation of the sweeping window, incorporating a chase lounge for a window-box effect - and flanked by a pair of custom Vertebrae lamps.
RRAD produced the design for CITADEL Completions in Lake Charles, LA, along with the sunset image pictured above. The window option can only occur aft of the wing and must be balanced by the same directly opposite, and occurring on the same frame station locations. Therefore the two pictured spaces reside directly across from one another.
Courtesy Citadel Completions / Design by Richard Roseman Airborne Design

But let's now jump a little further ahead to perhaps 2040-2050. In the below concept rendering, we get a look at where many of the OEMs and designers are headed. Fuselage technology and material science will soon be affording windows not unlike the ones pictured here. In this design concept created for JetModa Magazine by 3D Visualization Service in 2017, the exoskeletal structure provides a geometric architecture that enables strength along the airframe's natural longitudinal axis. But at the same time, such designs will utilize transparent 'glass-like' materials such as aluminum oxynitride, (transparent aluminum) or other carbon based composites with incomparable strength. Material science plays a hug role in the development of future airframes and the stunning possibilities they afford.

See the full Press Release here.

JCF Magazine celebrates the Global 7000 & 8000 this month, remarkable achievements by any measurement. Watch the video and note that on top of it all, you can breathe easier with Bombardier's Pũr Air and its advanced HEPA filter technology, arrive rested and refreshed with the Soleil circadian lighting system, experience the comfort of the industry’s lowest cabin altitude, and enjoy reduced lower back pressure with the Nuage seat and zero-gravity position.