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Ad Rates & Pricing Plan Selector
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Choose Your Ad Rate Plan
Half-Width Upfront
6,500$ÂSave 12% off the payout option by paying upfrontValid for one year- Our most selected option
- Covers a full half of the page width (horizontal format)
- Includes a link that sends readers to your secondary page
- Secondary page includes additional copy, images & contacts
- This ad comes with recurring email and Linkedin promotions
- Ad shows full-width and height on mobile
Half-Width / Payout
1,216$Every 2 monthsThe convenience of 6 equal payments over 12 monthsValid for 12 months- Our most popular option
- Covers a full half of the page width (horizontal format)
- Includes a link that sends readers to your secondary page
- Secondary page includes additional copy, images & contacts
- This ad comes with recurring email and Linkedin promotions
- Ad shows full-width on mobile
1/3rd Width Upfront
7,000$ÂThis is a vertically formatted ad / 30% larger displayValid for 12 months- Great bump up in size and visibility
- Vertical format (left or right) your choice of position
- Includes a link that sends readers to your secondary page
- Secondary page includes additional copy, images & contacts
- This ad comes with recurring email and Linkedin promotions
1/3rd Width Payout
1,308$Every 2 monthsThe convenience of 6 equal payments over 12 monthsValid for 12 months- Superior visibility w/ the convenience of payout
- Vertical format (left or right) your choice of position
- Includes a link that sends readers to your secondary page
- Secondary page includes additional copy, images & contacts
- This ad comes with recurring email and Linkedin promotions
2/3rds Width Upfront
10,500$ÂThis is a horizontally formatted ad / 60% larger displayValid for 12 months- Huge bump up in size and visibility
- Horizontal format (left or right) preferred positioning
- Includes a link that sends readers to your secondary page
- Secondary page includes additional copy, images & contacts
- This ad comes with recurring email and Linkedin promotions
2/3rds Width Payout
1,958$Every 2 monthsThe convenience of 6 equal payments over 12 monthsValid for 12 months- Huge bump up in size and visibility w/ easy payments
- Vertical format (left or right) your choice of position
- Includes a link that sends readers to your secondary page
- Secondary page includes additional copy, images & contacts
- This ad comes with recurring email and Linkedin promotions
Full Width - Upfront
11,500$ÂThis is a horizontally formatted ad / 100% larger displayValid for 12 months- Massive bump - double the visibility of standard
- Horizontal Strip - covers the full page width
- Includes a link that sends readers to your secondary page
- Secondary page includes additional copy, images & contacts
- This ad comes with recurring email and Linkedin promotions
Full-Width - Payout
2,150$Every 2 monthsThis is a horizontally formatted strip / 100% larger displayValid for 12 months- Massive bump in size. 100% increase in visibility.
- Horizontal Strip - preferred positioning
- Includes a link that sends readers to your secondary page
- Secondary page includes additional copy, images & contacts
- This ad comes with recurring email and Linkedin promotions
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