Breaking the Beige Barrier
I often get asked what inspires our designs. Do we follow trends or set them? Simply put, it’s all about using design to conjure an emotion. For us, form is not there merely for function, but to do more, to convey a compelling feeling. I was a taught that theatrical sets are designed support the script or emotion in a given scene. They don’t take over, just support the actors in a feeling. We think of it as experiential design in that all the senses are considered in that equation. I’m sure you’ll agree, the hard part is actually executing the client’s vision even better than the rendering, so we start with discerning what will “wow” the client, then manipulate colors, textures and shape to achieve what will deliver on it for them. Our unique background in entertainment design has allowed us to form relationships with specialized artisans and other experts in technology and various lost arts.
We apply those skills to aircraft materials and regulation. This allows us to take on jobs others may not feel confident attempting. Because of this experience and our period design capabilities, we are often called in collaborate with architects, boat and aircraft completion centers, even consulting to other design firms when the client is asking for something incredibly unique and impactful that is outside ones "wheelhouse". It’s all in those close up details, and sometimes that last 10% of a job is the toughest.
We have been used to providing design and expertise to specialized projects for many years, from a 20 story mechanical clock that is destined to last 10,000 years, to designing for brands like Disney, Ferrari, Porsche, Aston Martin, and most recently Virgin Galactic.
What's the connection?...
...Designing an Emotion.

Each client wanted a world class experience that would set them apart experientially. Private Jets afford the same opportunity in that the interior should feel as rich as the Bentley or Rolls Royce your client steps out of onto the tarmac. Why not? Our first experiential project set out to bring the providence of classic yachts into an aircraft, called Skyacht One. Inspired by the story of George Whittell Jr., a Lake Tahoe millionaire who commissioned a yacht to match his DC-2 plane, we thought, “Why not do the reverse?”
As you all know, one of the biggest challenges with dreaming in aviation is the cost and time to certify custom design. The client wants everything now, would like things personalized and does not understand why they can’t decorate a plane as quickly and easily as their home. "Time is money" becomes the axiom if the design process bleeds too far into production. Our experience is to encourage the client as much as possible to begin the process of exploring colors, style and concept much earlier, even before the purchase if possible, to set expectations and get those dreams out of their system, value engineer what can be done, and settle on a direction. Once their plane hits the completion center, the meter is running and changes become costly and prohibitive, but even more than money, we don’t want to disappoint the client when they have to give up something they had their heart set on. To that end, those specialized items can be produced and certified in parallel with the completion, (owner furnished items) and then added into the project as not to hold up production. It’s harder, but worth the effort and the clients love you for it.

Private Jets afford the same opportunity in that the interior should feel as rich as the Bentley or Rolls Royce
It’s no secret that in this highly regulated industry, you’ll agree that inspiration most often begets perspiration, and yet the harder it is, the greater the thrill of making it happen for a client. Designing to an emotion by understand what turns our clients on is something we can add to our checklist of what means success to an interior. I often refer to how Walt Disney responded when told that what he was asking for was impossible. He smiled broadly and reassured his Imagineers “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible!” I think he was right!
Eddie Sotto runs Sotto Studios, a California firm that designs aircraft interiors, homes and yachts for UHNW clients and luxury brands. Eddie is the former SVP of Concept Design at Walt Disney Imagineering.